The Blast
March 16th 2022
The following update from compañero Daniel Baker[1] was received in the mail on 12th March, about a month after Daniel mailed it out. It speaks for itself. (A scan of this letter is at the bottom of this page.)
Hey […],
I heard you reached out to my defense committee, thank you. IDK if i can rage up a lawyer, or what I’d do with one at this point, but I appreciate you trying.
I could always use commissary money for vegan snacks and vitamins.
People can write or type letters, I don’t have a preference.
I’d love to get English, Kurdish and Arabic letters! My cellie & I study Arabic, but I need Kurdish lessons too.
Turkey recently attacked the YPG Int. Academy, killing 4 friends and wounding many others. I’m very upset about this.
I enjoy reading this Mexican Anarchist material, please send more!
I’ll add your contact info and try to call ASAP, but we are on lockdown because 2 people were killed in Texas, but ironically a person here died in the SHU [solitary confinement torture] last Friday, the 4th, after being on lockdown for a week.
They aren’t feeding us meals here, just PB&J twice a day – everyone is getting sick and losing weight.
Email is called Corrlinks here. There’s a process to setting it up. What’s your email?
Talk soon,
dⒶn (Ⓐlishare)
PS I’ll send essays soon [for The Blast]
To send money to Daniel “you can do so by sending donations to his PayPal account:”[2]
Daniel still needs people to write him. To write a physical letter to Daniel Baker, the mailing address is currently
Daniel Alan Baker #25765-509
FCI Memphis
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O, Box 34550
Memphis, TN 38184
You may also write to Daniel digitally through Corrlinks[3], which requires first sending a physical letter to Daniel with the email address you have your Corrlinks account connected to, so he can send you an “invite code”. The process may take 2-4 months since letters take a long time to come in and out of prisons.
If you would like support to learn how to write a prisoner, currently Prison Abolition Prisoner Support[4] has virtual sessions on Mondays at 730 PM central time where you can learn how to write people who are incarcerated. They also allow some people to use their PO Box to write prisoners and scan and email response letters back to writers. Contact them at iheartpaps [at] gmail [dot] com for more information to attend these sessions.