By The Blast Anarchy.
March 30th 2022.
A Chicago anarchist has requested international solidarity for French liberation fighter Libre Flot who’s on hunger strike. Flot is being persecuted for putting their convictions to action and supporting the Rojava Revolution on the ground.
Hunger strikes are absolutely dangerous and sometimes lead to death.
Our appellant has told us the action could be small, “A solidarity photo, a tweet, anything that puts pressure on the french” government.
If you tweet, tag the French government, such as the French Embassy in the USA.
The French consulate appears to be at 205 N. Michigan Ave #3700, Chicago, IL 60601.
The weather will be perfect on Monday to help a persecuted friend facing death. Gather your people. Ask one anarchist you know if they’re aware of this action and tell them to ask another the same.
More info can be found at
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Love and Anarchy.