December 3rd 2021
Dear Midwest readers,
The Bangladesh Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation[1] needs English proofreaders to increase the quality of one aspect of their above-ground movement communications that are in English.
This is unpaid work, but The Blast is willing to encourage donations and fundraising for anyone who does qualitatively assist in this way.
Please wait a few days or weeks before you reach out to commit to ensure that you will be able to keep your word to any BASF member you make any promises to and to ensure you will not overextend yourself or rupture other commitments you already have in other spaces or communities without giving notice in the most empathetic way that is appropriate.
This will be an ongoing need, so feel free to check in as late as April 2022 if this need has been fully met.
Please reach out to theblast [at] protonmail [dot] com if you could be of assistance.
The Blast