By The Blast
27 January 2022
We must postpone audio translation of articles of The Blast up until now to speak to the matter of Brother Daniel Baker. More info on Daniel Baker is available at
In a letter Daniel recently wrote to one of us of The Blast, he wrote “for support I could always use commissary money, books and letters, and I really need a lawyer” to replace the public defender, which is consistent with other recent updates from Daniel.
If you are not aware, Daniel has committed so much to the international anarchist revolution, including the time he spent risking his life to defend the autonomous communes in Rojava against ISIS. Here is some footage of that:
I can recall how important it was to my Indigenous-Mexican anarchist ancestors in the USA 100-120 years ago to support our libertarian siblings suffering incarceration as a result of being persecuted for our convictions and pushing forward insurrection in the 1910 Mexican Revolution for anarchy. It was so important that at least one of our revolutionary groups in McGregor, Texas named themselves “Martyrs of McNeil Island” after the US government imprisoned anarchist Brothers Anselmo Figueroa, Enrique Magón, Librado Rivera and Ricardo Magón in 1912 for over eighteen months, the sentence beginning at McNeil Island prison in Puget Sound, Washington. Brother Anselmo died shortly after his release from the terrible conditions he experienced during incarceration.
Prison is death. Daniel Baker is a martyr for our cause. HE IS IN PRISON FOR ANARCHY.
The persecution of our siblings and the need to aid them as much as we can should be cause for us to organize better with each other, even if it means all you can do is create an affinity group with one person to support one of our own, even if it’s just to support Daniel Baker.
Integrate supporting Daniel Baker in your organization’s work if you can.
Please support Daniel Baker. Form an affinity group with a sibling of The Anarchist Ideal if you must in order to hold yourself accountable to supporting Brother and Martyr Daniel.
Do not wait. Begin the process today, and also write Daniel to see the best way to coordinate support for him, especially if it could lighten the load of others supporting on the outside.
Daniel is currently writing some articles for The Blast.
If you have more capacity, please consider coordinating in broader prisoner support for a prison as a whole where anarchists are trying to share the ideal, such as the work done by the Chicago Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee, or if Daniel were to decide to want to do more constructive work wherever he is incarcerated, etc.
We are here if you need support.